
M2: Enabling REST API access to your module

If your module is correctly implementing interfaces and preferences for them in its di.xml then enabling web API access to your object’s repository should look something like the example shown below. You have the option of setting an ACL resource on any particular endpoint or making it publicly accessible for unauthenticated usage (maybe on the frontend of your site via AJAX?).

File Location: app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/webapi.xml

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <routes xmlns:xsi=""
            <!-- Example Service -->
            <route url="/V1/example" method="POST">
                <service class="TCMP\ExampleModule\Api\ExampleRepositoryInterface" method="save"/>
                    <resource ref="TCMP_ExampleModule::save"/>
            <route url="/V1/example/:id" method="PUT">
                <service class="TCMP\ExampleModule\Api\ExampleRepositoryInterfacee" method="save"/>
                    <resource ref="TCMP_ExampleModule::save"/>
            <route url="/V1/example/:id" method="DELETE">
                <service class="TCMP\ExampleModule\Api\ExampleRepositoryInterface" method="delete"/>
                    <resource ref="TCMP_ExampleModule::delete"/>
            <route url="/V1/example" method="GET">
                <service class="TCMP\ExampleModule\Api\ExampleRepositoryInterface" method="getList"/>
                    <!-- allow public access to your api! -->
                    <resource ref="anonymous"/>
            <route url="/V1/example/:id" method="GET">
                <service class="TCMP\ExampleModule\Api\ExampleRepositoryInterface" method="getById"/>
                    <!-- allow public access to your api! -->
                    <resource ref="anonymous"/>

No syntax highlighting on this one. Not sure which part of this liked me trying to post XML the least…but that’s added to the backlog now! Thankfully < XMP > hasn’t been removed yet!


Utils: Laravel + phpDocs + Static Code Analysis

If you’re using an IDE like PHP Storm then this is a necessity to your project:

More Reading:

Also, if you use PHPStorm, add this to help improve your code quality:

Php Inspections (EA Extended) – static code analysis

M2: Delete Orders Extension

I released a little freebie this weekend, hope you enjoy. Feedback is welcome just open an issue or even better submit a pull request!

– Adds “Delete” to order actions in ACL
– Adds “Delete” to mass actions dropdown on Sales Order Grid
– Adds “Delete” to buttons on Sales Order View

M2: Debugging Playground continued..

After the last example of a bootstrapping Magento 2.x in a php file for some quick debugging I thought I’d clean things up a bit.

Below is the same basic example but more neatly packaged into a more useful class. Based on the *require* statement this should be placed relative to the index.php in your Magento root but that can easily be adjusted. This principle can be used for debugging or, if you’d like to get creative, to integrate your Magento installation directly with another application.

When the lass is instantiated the __construct method processes other methods that create a new instance of Magento, retrieve the object manager from it, and setup the application state (see _setAreaCode method notes). (read more below..)

//I should live in the root dir next to index.php
require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';

* Class Playground2
class Playground2 {

* @var \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap
protected $bootstrap;

* @var \Magento\Framework\App\State
protected $state;

* @var \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager
protected $objManager;

* Playground constructor.
public function __construct()

* Bootstrap M2
protected function _loadBootstrap()
$this->bootstrap = \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap::create( BP, $_SERVER );

* Get the object manager so we can interact
* with classes and handle DI
protected function _loadObjectManager()
$this->objManager = $this->bootstrap->getObjectManager();

* Load the application state class
protected function _loadAppState()
$this->state = $this->objManager->get( '\Magento\Framework\App\State' );

* Set the proper area code
protected function _setAreaCode()
$this->state->setAreaCode( \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND );

* And an example debugging method
public function echoCategoryName()
/** @var \Magento\Catalog\Model\Category $_categoryModel */
$_categoryModel = $this->objManager->get( 'Magento\Catalog\Model\Category' );

$_category = $_categoryModel->load( 1 );

echo $_category->getName();


$playground = new Playground2();


Once we have a new instance of Magento’s object manager ready to go we can set up methods for whatever we need to debug. In this case we’ve used the object manager to load the root category and echo out its name with:


If you wanted to retrofit this class a bit you could expose the object manager…

public function getObjectManager()
return $this->objManager();

… and then use this as an interface to load Magento (or extension) classes in your application. (or do more debugging without writing methods like the previous example, but we were cleaning things up, right?)

Posted here also:

M2: Debugging Playground

While I’m sure we all agree that your code should live inside an extension, it can be still helpful to interact with something a little more directly or isolated from some other components when debugging. This is where the M1 style “playground script” comes in handy. Note that several things have changed including how models/helpers/etc are accessed, and how the application itself is bootstrapped or more specifically how the object manager is accessed.

//I should live in the root dir next to index.php
require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';

//Load the application bootstrapper
$bootstrap = \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap::create( BP, $_SERVER );

//Then get the object manager so we can interact with classes and get valid DI
$obj = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();

//Set the application state
/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\State $appState */
$appState = $obj->get( 'Magento\Framework\App\State' );
$appState->setAreaCode( \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND );

//Instead of setting a specific code lets use a constant
//A reference of what else is available:

//Get the repository responsible for loading category models
//Just because we're not working in a proper extension
//Doesn't mean we shouldn't load things the right way...

/** @var \Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryRepository $_categoryRepo */
$_categoryRepo = $obj->get( 'Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryRepository' );

//See the previous post for a better example of using repos
//Though this particular repo works a little different
//as it only offers the following methods:

//Load by category_id & store_id
$_category = $_categoryRepo->get( 1, 0 );

//Now we have our model...
echo $_category->getName();

M2: Invalidating Caches

When saving objects in your custom module it may be beneficial to indicate that a cache type should be cleared.  This can be achieved using the TypeListInterface from the Framework’s Cache Module. Furthermore with this interface you can also retrieve the cache type labels, a list of other caches that have been invalidated, or clean a cache type by code.


namespace Vendor\Module\Folder;

use Magento\Framework\App\Cache\TypeListInterface;

 * Class Example
 * @package Vendor\Module\Folder
class Example {

   * @var TypeListInterface
   protected $_cacheTypesList;

    * Example constructor.
    * @param TypeListInterface $_cacheTypesList
   public function __construct( TypeListInterface $_cacheTypesList )
      $this->_cacheTypesList = $_cacheTypesList;

    * Mark specific cache type(s) as invalidated
    * @param $type
   public function invalidateCache( $type )
      $this->_cacheTypesList->invalidate( $type );

    * Get information about all declared cache types
    * @return array
   public function getCacheTypes()
      /* Example structure for cache type array
       $_types = [
         'CACHE TYPE CODE' =>
          (object)[ //Magento\Framework\DataObject
                    'id' =>(int)'',
                    'cache_type'=>(string) '',
      return $this->_cacheTypesList->getTypes();


M2: Loading model collections the Magento 2.x way

It is now be the responsibility of the repository to load and persist models from the database rather than using the model to load and save directly. This can be confirmed by the load and save methods being marked as @deprecated in \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel.

use Magento\Framework\Api\FilterBuilder;
use Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaBuilder;
use Magento\Framework\Api\Search\FilterGroupBuilder;
//your model repo, etc...

$_searchCriteria = $this->_searchCriteriaBuilder->create();

$filterA = $this->_filterBuilder->setField( $fieldName ) //Filter by model field name
->setValue( $tagValue ) //Filter value
->setConditionType( 'eq' ) //Comparison operator

$filterGroupA = $this->_filterGroupBuilder->setFilters( [ $filterA ] )->create();

//Filters in the same groups work like OR
//Multiple filter groups work like AND
//Which is why the filter and the group are noted with as [$a]

$_searchCriteria->setFilterGroups( [ $filterGroupA ] );

/** @var Model[] $_results */
$_results = $this->_modelRepository->getList( $_searchCriteria )->getItems();

return $_results;

M2: Add a CMS block to your layout

Add a CMS block to your layout XML:

<referenceContainer name="containerName">
    <block class="Magento\Cms\Block\Block" name="block_name_in_layout" as="">
            <argument name="block_id" xsi:type="string">block_identifier</argument>

Syncing Forks Without Merge Commits

I was looking for a quick way to sync a forked GitHub repository that had upstream changes without using their interface to create a pull request (doing so would result in a merge commit showing up in the list of commits when I submit another pull request).

Thats when I found Upriver.

Pretty straightforward:

  • Give it authorization to use your GitHub account.
  • Tell it which branches to sync
  • Click Pull

Thanks for the cool tool @bardiharborow