M2: Composer Bash Alias

At times you may need to quickly spin up a new, clean Magento 2 install. To simplify this process I added an alias for creating a new Magento 2 environment with composer. If you’re using Oh-My-Zsh as well then its as simple as nano ~/.zshrc and adding the following to the bottom of your configuration.

alias newm2="composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition ."

newm2 bash composer alias

Once you’re all set up you can run newm2 in any folder and this will automatically grab whatever the latest version is from Magento’s repo and create a new composer based env for you to continue testing/debugging/etc.

If you use any other shell this will still work but you’ll need to locate the proper configuration file for registering your alias (eg ~/.bashrc).